Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Thankful for my Stubborn Child

So out of my 3 children, I have one that is particularly difficult.  The moment something is not their way, there is an immediate, usually full blown fit.

This entails screaming, throwing themselves on the floor, hitting the offender, flailing and so on.

As this happens SEVERAL times throughout the day (as this is the only way the child knows how to deal with their emotions at this point) there is a lot of disciplining and correcting.  But this also allows WAY more opportunities of pointing this child to Christ then my other children.

Yes, I often FAIL and don't correct them with the right motives, or the right way.  BUT what I am thankful for is as I finish the correction and I say to my child, "I love you and I hate to see you sin honey- it breaks my heart."  I often end up crying a little because I see the absolute struggle for them and my heart breaks because I know how hard of a battle this will be for them as they get older.

I desperately want to take away the deep struggle they face, and then as I think about those feelings of love and compassion I have for that child in the midst of those constant battles they face, I think about how every time I stubbornly disobey -kick and scream like a little child- my Heavenly Father weeps over me and lovingly disciplines me.

I would have NEVER understood the DEPTH of this love He has for us if it wasn't for my Stubborn Child.

So yes it makes for a difficult day, and I often would trade anything for a more pleasant child (usually when my focus is on me and not Christ's love and goals for us)  BUT I am so thankful for just another little glimpse into the depth of God's love for us!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Being a Sweet Aroma of Christ

Wow, today was one of those days where you come to the end and you start to cry.

Not because of how badly behaved the kids were.  Not because of how hard the day was for you.  But because of how badly you failed in those hard moments - and failed over and over and over again....

It doesn't really matter why the day was hard, what matters is that in my children's weakness I did not show love or grace.  This is especially hard for me right now because I have really been convicted and striving to be an aroma of Christ in very specific areas of life that I have been failing or misinterpreting at.

I read this post about how a son told a story about how
       "Parents are the first view of God kids will ever see."

Since reading this post I have really been thinking about this, not just in parenting but other facets of life...

    Being a woman in charge of events at my church....
    Familial relationships...

Then I have been going through Proverbs 31 in my devotions via  And wouldn't you know the verses we are focussing on this week are Proverbs 31:26

Other verses we are focusing on:
Proverbs 12:18
   Some people make cutting remarks,
    but the words of the wise bring healing.

Ephesians 4:29
   Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

1 Timothy 3:11
   In the same way, their wives must be respected and must not slander others. They must exercise self-control and be faithful in everything they do.

Proverbs 15:1
   A gentle answer deflects anger,
    but harsh words make tempers flare.

I have wept and pleaded for forgiveness through my devotions this week.

I have seen that if I want my kids to love Jesus, I should respond like  Jesus.  Have you studied JESUS?  He is incredible!  His love for others and for GOD is breathtaking.  I want to be like him.  I truly believe that I can look in the Bible ONLY and know how to parent, be a friend, wife, sister, leader, daughter and so on.  If I love like Christ...

I tear up as I write this, because I am so overwhelmed by His Love

...then these relations will see Christ, not me. HALLELUJAH!